Hunter and I are having a night at home together as Jill is out hiking tonight. Since we can't leave Hunter at home by himself she usually stays at home while I go hiking with our trailwalker team and then she goes hiking with a different team on a different day. I drove her up Golden Hill road to the top of a mountain so she could catch up with Mike and Mark tonight for their hike. I think they are planning on going for about 30 km so they'll be back sometime after midnight. The road up the mountain was literally covered with herds of monkeys! I don't know if a group of monkeys is a herd but thats the only way I can describe it. There must have been thousands of monkeys running around on the road. Some of them wouldn't even move for the car so I had to carefully maneuver my way through. Hunter enjoyed seeing all the monkeys!
Last Saturday night I went for a good hike with David and Adam. I don't know how far we went but it took us about 6.5 hours. We got a little bit lost when we decided to take an unknown road down the mountain instead of sticking to our original plan. We ended up in some village that only had one road going to it and unfortunately the only road in was the one we had walked down for 20 minutes. Luckily we found a path that did take us down the mountain and back to civilization and we had pizza hut waiting for us back at our place. It's really quiet ad beautiful up on the mountains at night.
We don't have school for the next seven days so we 're going to stay at Disneyland on Sunday night. Hunter is very excited about staying there overnight with "Jeff Wiggle." I don't know why but he's convinced Jeff from with wiggles will be staying with us at Disneyland too.
I've added some hiking pictures and a picture of the monkeys I took with my phone.
I am so happy to see your blog updated again. Is the best way to donate through the link you sent in your e-mail? Love Mom
so good to hear from you again! YOu guys are so adventurous i love it. That training must be intense! That's awesome...good for you guys. Keep me up to date. I love hearing from you guys.
Take care- lots of love
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