Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Okay quick post just cuz i know it's been more than 2 weeks. We have now moved into our new place and i think it will be great...i just want to get a few things to organize a bit better. About 2 days before the move our computer shut down so i am sitting at a coffee shop hoping hunter can entertain himself for 5 minutes so i can give a quick update. We like our new neighbourhood. Things are pretty accessible...i.e. my fave coffee shop a 5 minute walk and it even has toys for the kids. It is very kid oriented in that way...maybe the only place in Hong Kong that is. So I thnk that will be nice...as it is more expat focused i am hoping to meet some more stay at home moms once things get settled.
Our Trailwalker is this Friday...hard to believe it came this fast! I feel disorganized for that cuz you need a bit of cooridnating on a 30 some hour hike and i feel like we haven't gotten around to organizing that yet. Hopefully it goes okay, no matter what it will be an experience. Donations are open until Dec. hint hint. Plus my parents are coming the end of Nov. so if anybody wishes to send a cheque to them they can bring it! Okay sorry I had to do it but we really need to raise money!
Ryan is busy busy at school too. He has report cards due Monday...with the weekend being a write off he has to get them done before. Then he is at grade 4-6 camp Mon-Wed. Then he has a Sports Day that needs to be planned and organized for Friday...whooh...pretty soon things will slow down.
My parents will be here Nov. 28 and I am getting very excited for that!!!
Hunter is 2...good days and bad days. He's cute cuz I found a Whinnie the Pooh costume on Halloween at Toys R Us for him...well once he saw it and put it on i couldn't say no. So he was all proud to be Whinnie on Halloween then when we moved the first thing i did with him was take him to the Halloween Party at our clubhouse so now every night he thinks there is a "party at his new house" and asks to go to a party. It's pretty cute. okay i will not push my luck with his good behaviour and sign out.
Take care all of you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure wish I could have seen hunter as Pooh. What is the coffee shop by your place? We are getting so excited too!! That's our anniversary, Christmas, and B-Day presents rolled into one. The best!!

3:51 AM  

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