Sunday, September 30, 2007

Yes! We are still alive...

I know its been a long time since we've updated this thing but we're going to make a valiant effort to keep it up to date this year. Many things have changed since last year. We moved last June to a different estate but we were barely settled in before we went back to Canada for the summer so it's nice to get back and enjoy our new place. It's almost twice the size as our old place. The only catch is that it now takes us at least 30 minutes to get to school instead of 5 minutes like last year. The commute is worth it though for the extra space and the location. We are much closer to the things we like to do. There are bike paths right out our front gate, hiking trails behind our building, the air is cleaner, and it's so much quieter here (other than the construction right outside our window). We had a nice ocean view before we left for the summer but when we came back a building has gone up that blocks our view.
School is going good. PE is fun but offers a different set of challenges. It's kind of tricky teaching PE when you don't have a gym and it may rain at any moment, and the pollution is sometimes so bad you feel like vomiting when you breathe and there is recess going on at the same time on the court beside us, construction work on one side and traffic noise on the other and it's 33 degrees in the blazing sun. If my students actually hear what I'm saying we usually end up having a good time. Jill likes teaching french. It's interesting trying to teach french to a bunch of asian kids who's second language is English in a 30 minute lesson 2-3 times a week.
The pictures were take from a walking path up the mounain just behind our new place. Our apartment is the one on the very bottom right of the building in the second picture.
Anyways, that's all I've got for the moment.