Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's Sunday night and I just relaxing and getting ready for a busy week of school and basketball. My team has a game on Monday and one on Tuesday. I invited a local girls school over to our school for Tuesdays game. Apparently this school is "the" girls basketball school in Hong Kong. We are a very young team of mostly grade 10's and 11's and our best player, our best defender and two other potential starters won't be playing so it should be interesting...
We had a good weekend. Church was good this morning and then we went out for lunch at our favorite Mongolian restaurant for lunch.  This evening we started packing because we are moving in two weeks. 
Yesterday Jill and I took Hunter for a relatively short hike to a place where you can jump off cliffs into a really deep pool of water.  As I'm sure you can see in the pictures it is quite beautiful.  We were the only people there and we were lucky to find it. There happened to be a few people just leaving the spot when we went by and they gave us directions otherwise we never would have found it.
On the way home we were walking by a ditch and I happened to take a look into the ditch like I always do (checking for snakes). I thought I saw something poking up and when I went to look closer a HUGE snake took off trying to get away. Hunter and I (he was on my back) went chasing after it and Jill managed to get the camera out in time to get a picture.  If the ditch wasn't quite deep I would have been running for my life in the other direction but I felt pretty safe knowing it couldn't (at least I think it couldn't) get out of the ditch. I am terrified of snakes so whenever we're out in the country I'm always looking for them. We figure it must have been at least 7 feet long and judging by the color, size and dot on the back of the head I think it was some type of cobra. If there are any snake experts out there who can identify it in the picture let me know...

Friday, October 17, 2008

So here's a quick update on what we've done the past week.  Hmmm...not that thrilling really.  On Saturday night Ryan and I went with our team to do a hike.  It was tough we started at about 4p.m. and ended up in a taxi at 1:30 a.m.  I was thankful to get out for a hike at last though as Gary's wife Marg offered to watch Hunter.  I think Hunter had fun there.  
We didn't do a Thanksgiving dinner as I was too tired the next day to do something like that and the thought of cooking a Turkey just was not appetizing to me.  On Monday though I cooked a pumpkin crisp which was good though, and it was enough, Thanksgiving just isn't the same with only 3 people present.  
Wednesday I met my friend Melissa in Sai Kung and Hunter and her daughter Isabella played together at the playground.  
We finally had some visitors other than our family come see us.  Ryan's friend from high school Lyndsey and her husband Jimmy (whose family lives in Hong Kong) came over for dinner Thursday night.
Tonight Ryan and I went to play basketball against the under 16 boys basketball team...which was's still good to get on the court and run.  Tomorrow we are venturing out on a hike again (probably only 4 hours is our estimate).  Only a few more to go so I am really hoping to get to attend this one too, childcare is still undetermined however. Other than that we don't really have plans this weekend; maybe we'll get some packing done!!  

I don't know if we have any recent pics downloaded to our computer yet so I am just posting a few random ones that don't have anything to do with this entry.  Just a little "rocking out" as Hunter calls it...he loves his "tee-car"

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

DISNEYLAND!!  That was the big adventure of our week, we spent Sunday night at Disneyland.  It was fun for all, I don't know who has more fun there Hunter or us.  Ryan and I love the shows and Hunter loves the characters.  I can't describe the look on his face when he gets to play with Mickey and Pooh and all the others it's so fun to watch.  The characters are really good at their jobs too because they really put in the extra effort to pay a lot of attention to the little ones. 
Other stuff we did this past week was went to the most amazing restaurant for the greatest egyptian food ever.  We drove over to the island so for those of you who know Hong Kong can imagine what that was like; we actually did very well though, I drove and Ryan navigated and we made it relatively easily.  But we paid almost as much for tunnel fees and parking as we did on the meal; oh well that was our holiday.  
Saturday we went to Kylie and Jocelyn's to watch the Rider game and went for lunch at friends' house then went to try to find some movies in Mong Kok. 
And that was a week.  We did far less work and far more relaxing than we intended but that's the way holidays go.  
Here's my mom story for the week:  The other night Hunter was being just a hyper goofball and I asked him, "Where did you come from?!" and he got the super intense look in his eyes that he does sometimes which forces him to get right in your face, nose to nose, look you straight in the eyes and he answers me, "Tanana (translation, Canada)"  I laughed pretty hard because he is getting pretty clever these days.  Anyways that's all for now.  Hope you are all taking care of yourselves!

Picture #1- Hunter running around the hotel, striking a pose and calling out "DIZZYLAN!" (disneyland)
      #2-Goofy hanging out in the lobby of the hotel
      #3-cute little robes and slippers they have in the hotel room
      #4-Hunter in his High School Musical debut, heading straight for girl on the stage.
      #5- Flirting with Minnie.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Last nights hike was one filled with lots of interesting creatures...Even the smallest animals creep you out when you've been hiking for seven hours in the dark. Today we're planning on relaxing and going over to an Egyptian cafe on Hong Kong Island for lunch. Not much else going...